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Forniture AR: Augmented Reality Furniture Shopping for iOS with ARKit

Forniture AR: Augmented Reality Furniture Shopping for iOS with ARKit

Regular price $50.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.

To improve the product title and source code documentation for your app, here are a few suggestions:

Improved Product Title for Shopify:
Forniture AR: Augmented Reality Furniture Shopping for iOS with ARKit

This title is more descriptive and indicates both the functionality (furniture shopping) and the technology (ARKit).

Suggested Documentation Structure for Source Code:

1. Introduction
   - App Overview: Forniture AR is an augmented reality (AR) furniture placement and shopping app. It allows users to visualize furniture in their home using ARKit, simulate an e-commerce experience with cart and favorites functionality, and integrate third-party services like Shopify.
   - Tech Stack:
     - iOS 16.1
     - Swift 5
     - ARKit 6
     - Core Data for persistent storage
     - UIKit for UI components
   - Future Plans:
     - Upcoming version will migrate to SwiftUI for a more modern UI.
     - Backend support for Firebase, Supabase, and Shopify integration.

2. Installation Instructions
   - Prerequisites:
     - Xcode 14+
     - iOS 16.1+ device
     - Apple Developer account
   - Setup:
     1. Clone the repository: `git clone <repo-link>`
     2. Install dependencies (if applicable).
     3. Open the `.xcodeproj` in Xcode.
     4. Run the project on a simulator or physical device.

3. ARKit Setup
   - ARKit scene setup instructions: Create an `ARSCNView` and handle AR configurations for detecting planes.
   - How to place 3D models of furniture in the real world.

4. Core Data Configuration
   - Explanation of the Core Data structure for storing cart and favorite items.
   - Sample code for managing data persistence.

5. Features
   - Product Catalog:
     - Display furniture models with AR capabilities.
   - Add to Cart:
     - Simulate an e-commerce cart with Core Data storage.
   - Favorites:
     - Save and remove items in a favorites list.

6. Third-Party Integrations
   - Instructions on integrating Shopify’s SDK (if already done or planned).
   - Sample code for fetching product details from Shopify.

7. Customization
   - How to update UI components (e.g., buttons, navigation).
   - Instructions on modifying ARKit interaction (e.g., gesture controls for resizing or rotating furniture).

8. Future Versions
   - Migration plan for SwiftUI.
   - Backend integration (Firebase/Supabase setup and usage).

Improved Project Workflow
   - Improved Features for Users:
     1. Real-time AR furniture visualization.
     2. E-commerce-like experience (cart, favorites).
     3. Integration with third-party e-commerce platforms like Shopify.

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